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May 2023 | Home Group
Something big changed in him sitting in Eric’s car that afternoon. And it’s a gift he gets to pass on to others

Discussion Topic

May 2023 | Home Group
Why I love my home group

Tough Crowd

May 2023 | Home Group
A member in Oregon fondly remembers the old geezers at his home group who liked to bark orders. Luckily, he grabbed onto Darrell

Lost & Found in Central America

May 2023 | Home Group
While at sea, he acts as if every meeting is his home group. But the one near the equator he’ll never forget

Helping Our Own

May 2023 | Home Group
No AA meetings, no Big Book, no literature...what was she to do? Home group to the rescue!

In the Shadow of Zion

May 2023 | Home Group
We love it when visitors to our area find us. This year we expect to have 45 million visitors come to Zion National Park. Hopefully some of them will find us here.

10,000 Stories

May 2023 | Home Group
With tears, they emptied out the meeting room. One thing that touched his heart most was the wooden podium where so many shared hope

80 Years & Counting!

May 2023 | Home Group
Since 1942, this home group in New Jersey is still going strong, keeping the doors open for all who need them

Happy Hour

May 2023 | Home Group
Who would have guessed she’d find a home group she loves in a former beach town bar?

AA News

May 2023 | Home Group
Listening to the Needs of the Fellowship


The Carry the Message Project focuses on getting Grapevine and La Vina subscriptions to alcoholics in need. It's not necessary to know the recipient! Sponsor a subscription for someone behind bars, in a treatment facility, nursing home, or who is homebound.

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