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Web Exclusive: Sometimes To Carry The Message is to Carry the Messenger

March 2011
How a World War II vet taught this member about unconditional love.

Web Exclusive: We Do What We Need to Do to Heal

March 2011
What can an alternate delegate do when they aren’t elected to be the delegate? One member who’s been there has an idea.

Into the World

March 2011
She once never left her house. Now she enjoys helping AA everywhere she can

Web Exclusive: Pass It Down

March 2011
An AA shares how he learned about district service from good service sponsors.

Web Exclusive: Confessions of a General Service Geek

March 2011
Don’t be afraid. You can love General Service too.

Web Exclusive: Let's Work Together

March 2011
An AA member suggests some helpful guidelines to keep in mind while doing service.

Get The Word Out

March 2011
A service-loving member has a unique plan to reach out the hand of AA

Web Exclusive: Must We Hear from Her Again?

March 2011
It took years for this member to see that an old-timer’s simple message was the way to go.

Web Exclusive: I Think I’ll Just Keep Coming Back

March 2011
A long-time member finds real peace in letting go.

A Way in the World

March 2011
Listening to her Higher Power and other alcoholics led her on a wonderful 26-year journey


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