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Magazine Issue


Torn, Tattered and Tired

September 2011
A functional alcoholic comes to terms with the true nature of his problem

Facing Our Fears

September 2011
Getting sober was only the first spiritual challenge she was able to face with the help of AA

The Life Jacket of AA

September 2011
A sober man in South Africa finds purpose in life through the program of AA

Personal Stories

September 2011
In "Just a Nice Lady Who Drank Too Much," a woman's notion that she was a polite and genteel drinker had to be smashed before she could face her alcoholism.

Web Exclusive: Running to Recovery

September 2011
A woman's running regime helps her understand the rhythms of recovery

Web Exclusive: A Family in AA

September 2011
A woman tells how she sobered up in the same home group as her mother and brother

Web Exclusive: Valentine's Day in the Detox

September 2011
His sobriety began when he was served with divorce papers while at a detox

Web Exclusive: A Glimpse Through the Window

September 2011

Web Exclusive: A Family Trip Remembered

September 2011
A sober man looks back at an early intervention by his mother during his teenage years

Family and Relationships

September 2011
In, "A Family Trip Remembered," a sober man looks back at an early intervention by his mother during his teenage years


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