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My Private Hell

July 2018
She couldn’t figure out how anyone could be a “grateful” recovering alcoholic. After her second Fourth Step, she understood….

Father and Son

July 2018
Their sobriety date is six week apart. They’ve shared the same joy, pain and love as their lives opened up in sobriety

Web Exclusive: The Story is the Same

February 2012
Seeing a young man drunkenly stumble into his halfway house reminded him that we have a common story and a common solution

The Metamorphosis of a Firefly

February 2012
Alcohol transformed her into a wild child but AA transformed her into a loving, mature person

A Pillar of AA

February 2012
His Higher Power showed him what it meant to be of service in a humble way

The End of a Sad Soap Opera

February 2012
With her life in shambles and knowing nothing of AA, she remembered a sober character on a tv show and picked up the phone

It Only Takes Two

February 2012
When the meeting doesn't happen, two AAs are able to share their experience, strength and hope at a local diner

Did You Look Into His Eyes?

February 2012

No More One Night Stands

February 2012
A woman searches for her sexual ideal in sobriety

The Cup of Life

February 2012


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