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The Spiritual Place Inside

August 2023 | AA in the Military
After a heartbreaking loss, she surrounded herself with AA and found a faith more solid and reliable


August 2023 | AA in the Military
Through painful challenges, she’s managed to get sober, turn her past to good use and find her place in AA

Forgiving Dad

August 2023 | AA in the Military
In her drinking years, she blamed her father for abandoning her. Then she got the chance to make things right

Safe Landing

August 2023 | AA in the Military
This Canadian officer thought going to AA would end his Air Force career. Instead, his life took flight

Friends in every port

August 2023 | AA in the Military

Active Duty

August 2023 | AA in the Military
A military dad has two jobs to do. And now that he’s sober he gets to show up for both

Trudging in Korea

August 2023 | AA in the Military
Going to any lengths sometimes means waiting. And this time it was his turn to wait. Boy, did that pay off

One of the guys

August 2023 | AA in the Military
She drank the other pilots under the table and out-performed them in the sky. How could she be an alcoholic?

The Spiritual Place Inside

Magazine Issue August 2023 | Topics Oldtimers Emotional Sobriety Family Getting through Adversity Service/Into Action Spirituality


Magazine Issue August 2023 | Topics AA Literature Gratitude Homegroup/Meetings Personal Stories Relapse Service/Into Action Special Needs


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