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Magazine Issue


The Gift of Receiving

March 2018
Faced with serious surgery and its aftermath, an AA learns that one must be willing to receive as well as to give

Step Twelve

March 2018
Seeking a way to stay in the present moment, rather than lamenting yesterday and fearing tomorrow, he discovers Step Twelve

They Can Recover

March 2018
Stigmatized by mental illness, he discovered in AA that the right doses of both medication and sobriety keep him leading a happy and productive life

Lives We Change

March 2017
In a small-town church, a man arrives to thank his daughter’s home group for the love they gave her

A Warm Welcome

March 2017

The rowdiest, rockingest group

March 2017
Who knew there’d be this much knee-slapping fun in the dingy basement of her local church?

Nothing fancy here

March 2017
The machine shed across from the dollar store is nothing special, but what happens inside sure is

Home improvement

March 2017


March 2017
Living in a new town, a member finds a unique way to stay close to his beloved long-time group

Out of the park

March 2017
I’m writing this home group story, not for recognition for myself or the group, but so that others might follow this example of what I hope is the old times coming back.


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