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Ignite the Spirit

August 2021 | Seniors in AA
Through the freedom of the Steps, she’s no longer a prisoner of her mind or the booze that took her away

Step Twelve: The Whole Of AA

December 2007
A member celebrates the sum of its parts

PO Box 1980

December 2003
Unity in action

PO Box 1980

December 2003

Alchemy Of Pain

December 2003
It was hard to believe that anything could heal her wounds

Going Solo

December 2003
There are reasons why people say not to make Twelfth Step calls alone. Here's one of them. --Step Twelve - Having had a spiritual awakening as the result of these Steps, we tried to carry this message to alcoholics, and to practice these principles in all

What Will I Get Out of It?

December 2003
At least as much as you put in --Step Twelve

Service, Redefined

December 2003
An AA discovers a whole new meaning in the hearts of her fellows

AA Behind the Walls: A Volunteer's Perspective

December 2003
What could a young, middle-class girl have in common with an inmate at Rikers?

The Writing On the Wall

December 2003
He'd heard a higher power can be seen in anything. He never dreamed he'd find it in a note written by a stranger in a parked car.


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