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March 2018

At Wit’s End

March 2018

Alcoholism at large

March 2018

The Party

March 2018
Newly sober, he was a bit nervous about going to a party where people would be drinking. But his AA friend showed him that, when the chips were down, sobriety is what counted

Noon Meeting

March 2018
Voices heard. Stories told. A lunch meeting on a quiet summer’s day shows one member how to live life on life’s terms

One Among Many

March 2018
One enthusiastic AA had service positions in multiple home groups, until her service sponsor helped her understand that less can actually be more

The Chickens

March 2018
As a newcomer attends her first meeting in her small town, a flock of friendly chickens puts her mind, and heart, at ease

Honest, Open and Willing

March 2018
This wandering alcoholic never found a place to call “home”—until he stepped through the doors of a small meeting in Vermont

The Magic Set Me Free

March 2018
Another women turns a newcomer’s fear into faith by showing her that sobriety has undreamed of rewards

The Gift of Receiving

March 2018
Faced with serious surgery and its aftermath, an AA learns that one must be willing to receive as well as to give


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