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The Know-It-All

April 2024 | Happy Birthday Big Book!

Heaven on Earth

April 2024 | Happy Birthday Big Book!
With a wife, a dog, a garden, a woodshop and a great sponsor, this oldtimer says life’s a grand gift

Worn With Love

April 2024 | Happy Birthday Big Book!
It may be falling apart, but her beloved Big Book changed her life in ways she didn’t know was possible

Healing Words

April 2024 | Happy Birthday Big Book!
This nurse thought she was too smart for AA, but after reading the book she found her match

Never too late

May 2018
It took a little time, but she learned to love her mom, thanks to the wonder of Step Nine

Nothing held back

May 2018
An old-timer shares about the freedom the Steps have given him and how he gets to pass them on.

Entirely ready

May 2018

A day at the museum

May 2018
A few days after doing her Fifth Step, a mother takes her kids on a field trip

Memorial Day 180

May 2018

Mom gets busy

May 2018
Thanks to her sponsor, she learned that life gets more full, not less, when you get sober


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