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Magazine Issue


The October Issue of Grapevine Is Here!

September 2015
This month's special section features stories on letting go of resentments

The Millwright's Apprentice

September 2015
A lesson he received long before he got sober still resonates

The Unwritten Chapter

September 2015
A member living with bipolar depression discusses her experiences in AA

Shoveling for Sobriety

September 2015
He had to find a new way to practice Step Seven

A Moment in the Dark

September 2015
In a sea of empty beer cans, he had made his home a prison. What would it take to break free?

A New Anonymous?

September 2015
One member asks: As we broaden our use and understanding of anonymity, where do privacy and security come in?

The Angriest Newcomer

September 2015
She was desperate to take the edge off, but afraid to go back to her vodka martinis

At Wit's End

September 2015

Breakdown, 3 A.M.

September 2015
A newcomer gets busy making sober friends online, until one night in D.C. it really pays off

Cocktails and a Side of Stress

September 2015
Rattled by an office drinking event, she discovered the power of reaching out


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