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A Good Cry on the Beach

February 2021 | Sponsorship
Nearly 30 years ago, a sponsor entered her life to show her a new way to live. She also showed her how not to die

Becoming An Atheist Renewed my Faith in AA

February 2019 | Stories by Our Longtime Members
He stopped believing in God—and started believing in the life AA had given him

Easy Does It Doing It

February 2019 | Stories by Our Longtime Members
After years of going out and coming back in, he discovered that everything happened for a reason

Return to Jail

February 2019 | Stories by Our Longtime Members
Sober now, she speaks at the prison she was once locked up in—and finds it to be a transformative experience

My First Foreign Trip Sober

February 2019 | Stories by Our Longtime Members
It wasn’t quite 90 meetings in 90 days around the world, but wherever this AA went, the warm embrace of Alcoholics Anonymous welcomed him

Keep Your Tools Sharp

February 2019 | Stories by Our Longtime Members
A relapse after 15 years made her realize that “cunning, baffling and powerful” are not just abstract words

Leaning Into The Wind

February 2019 | Stories by Our Longtime Members
With a DUI-related jail term and a loved one dying, he decided to confront the ill wind blowing through his life head-on

62 years of showing up

February 2019 | Stories by Our Longtime Members

Grave danger

February 2019 | Stories by Our Longtime Members
Bored with the same old meeting routine, he had become a “sober fossil.” Time to dust himself off

In silent wonderment

February 2019 | Stories by Our Longtime Members
He hoped his anniversary would pass by unnoticed, but he was in for a surprise


The Carry the Message Project focuses on getting Grapevine and La Vina subscriptions to alcoholics in need. It's not necessary to know the recipient! Sponsor a subscription for someone behind bars, in a treatment facility, nursing home, or who is homebound.

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