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A Circus, a Wheelbarrow and a Cat

January 2020 | Spiritual Awakenings
The moving story of a sponsor and his sponsee—and how they both learned to believe

A Cold December Night

December 2019 | Remote Communities & Sober Holidays
Watching two AA guys on a Twelfth Step call was a Christmas Eve gift he’ll never forget

Never Stop the Action

September 2019 | Young & Sober
Fifty-five years sober, she is the very definition of a “sober survivor”

Is Adversity Getting to You? Try Rule #62!

March 2019 | What’s On Your Mind?
A simple rule changed her mantra from “Why Me?” to “Why Not Me?”

Return to Jail

February 2019 | Stories by Our Longtime Members
Sober now, she speaks at the prison she was once locked up in—and finds it to be a transformative experience

Need to get to my home group

February 2019 | Stories by Our Longtime Members
When it came to chairing her Wednesday meeting, she took the road of “any lengths”

Our connected energy

January 2019 | Stories for Day Counters!
The power in the rooms that helped her stop drinking also expanded her faith

Maybe I Can Help You?

January 2018 | Sponsorship
What to say when a newcomer asks for your advice? One woman discovers that sobriety has given her the ability to find just the right healing words


September 2017

Security check

July 2017
A call for help in a bar-filled airport brings a pleasant surprise and a safe flight home


The Carry the Message Project focuses on getting Grapevine and La Vina subscriptions to alcoholics in need. It's not necessary to know the recipient! Sponsor a subscription for someone behind bars, in a treatment facility, nursing home, or who is homebound.

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