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Magazine Issue


Service of a Lifetime

September 2024 | Young and Sober
At four months sober he dove into general service and with lots of help and love, he’s never looked back

Sharing the Good Stuff

September 2024 | Young and Sober
After 50 years in the program, he finds that reaching out is still critical, whether in person or with his pen

Operation: Sobriety

September 2024 | Young and Sober
Sober at 15, now in the U.S. Army and at war in Panama, a young soldier finds his fellows

A Gift That Led to A Journey

August 2024 | Dating & Relationships
She made her Higher Power her AA group, but now she was moving away. Luckily a fellow member had an idea that she could hold on to

Stepping Up

August 2024 | Dating & Relationships
Who knew being a Grapevine chair would be so much fun?
And all she had to do was raise her hand

My New Boyfriend

August 2024 | Dating & Relationships
Once dumped and humiliated, a newcomer finds true love in sobriety.
Her new guy might surprise you

Love & Acceptance

August 2024 | Dating & Relationships

Taking My Time

August 2024 | Dating & Relationships

Kindness and a Smile

July 2024 | Annual Prison Issue
A member challenges himself to show the same love and compassion we get in meetings with those he meets on the outside

Glad I said Yes

July 2024 | Annual Prison Issue
Once she got a taste of service outside the group, her sobriety took off with a whole new adventure


The Carry the Message Project focuses on getting Grapevine and La Vina subscriptions to alcoholics in need. It's not necessary to know the recipient! Sponsor a subscription for someone behind bars, in a treatment facility, nursing home, or who is homebound.

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