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Room to Grieve

May 2023 | Home Group
Losing a struggling AA friend can be devastating. One member thinks we don’t discuss this enough

Huge Amounts of Love

May 2023 | Home Group
The gifts of kindness and patience that go into sponsoring come back in ways we can’t imagine

Laundry day

April 2023 | AA & Families
When he got out of the detox program, he began going to AA meetings. He soon began to smile more and return to the son I knew. I wanted desperately to stop drinking myself.

Retired. Now what?

March 2023 | Get Into Service
After 34 years of being a boss, she’s not sure what comes next. Thankfully she knows to use her AA tools

Sober at 75

March 2023 | Get Into Service
It took a while for alcohol to catch up to him and even longer for him to admit it. But oh, life is so much better now

Safe to belong

March 2023 | Get Into Service
He expresses his gratitude for Tradition Three and how it helped hin claim his chair

Starting my day

March 2023 | Get Into Service
A past delegate recalls how he learned that a good day of service can begin with a well-made bed

Here’s what we do

March 2023 | Get Into Service
He was once drunk and living in his car. Now he’s sober and helps show future health-care professionals what AA is and isn’t

No Walk in the Park

January 2023 | Spiritual Awakenings
He knew he was powerless when an outing with his dog became a nightmare trip to the liquor store


The Carry the Message Project focuses on getting Grapevine and La Vina subscriptions to alcoholics in need. It's not necessary to know the recipient! Sponsor a subscription for someone behind bars, in a treatment facility, nursing home, or who is homebound.

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