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Finding Our Way Home

October 2023 | Mid-Sobriety Challenges
Full of shame, she left as fast as she could. Luckily, she came across a little wet dog that would change her life

A small miracle

October 2023 | Mid-Sobriety Challenges

Learning to live

October 2023 | Mid-Sobriety Challenges
A drunk teacher flunks out again and again, then miraculously scores two As

A small miracle

Magazine Issue October 2023 | Topics Homegroup/Meetings Personal Stories

Trick or Treat

Magazine Issue October 2023 | Topics Emotional Sobriety Family Personal Stories

Learning to live

Magazine Issue October 2023 | Topics Personal Stories Relapse Spirituality

Trick or Treat

October 2023 | Mid-Sobriety Challenges
Thanks to AA, a mom learns to laugh and let go so the future is no longer spooky

Crowning Glory

September 2023 | Young & Sober
Years of drinking ravaged her beauty and ego, and sent her straight to AA for a makeover

Living my truth

September 2023 | Young & Sober
The Steps helped her heal, find her place in the world and use her past to help others

The Good Life

September 2023 | Young & Sober
Once a college dropout, now he bikes around the world and sponsors guys across the Rocky Mountains


The Carry the Message Project focuses on getting Grapevine and La Vina subscriptions to alcoholics in need. It's not necessary to know the recipient! Sponsor a subscription for someone behind bars, in a treatment facility, nursing home, or who is homebound.

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