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Down Comes the Wall

May 2024 | How the Steps Changed My Life

God Grabbed My Heart

April 2024 | Happy Birthday Big Book!
Hoping to feel better and get out of the early sobriety woods, a newcomer makes a surprising Twelfth Step call

A Good Cleaning

April 2024 | Happy Birthday Big Book!

Fabulous & the Rockstar

April 2024 | Happy Birthday Big Book!
He had no intention of doing Step Four, that is until a beer took him down and a guy with a funny name showed up

Building Unity

March 2024 | Spanish-Speaking AA Members
A member in Texas learns how to help bring the Spanish and English-speaking AA communities closer together

Passing it on

January 2024 | Emotional Sobriety
What began as a frantic search for a beloved ceramic buddy became a beautiful, unexpected lesson in letting go

I Keep Writing

December 2023 | Remote Communities and sober holidays

The perfect night

December 2023 | Remote Communities and sober holidays
Just as the midnight mass bells were ringing, he and his partner were heading to jail

Cold Land Warm Hearts

December 2023 | Remote Communities and sober holidays
How would they find alcoholics to help in a small, remote Arctic town? One guy had a terrific solution

A Fresh Perspective

October 2023 | Mid-Sobriety Challenges
Totally overwhelmed at work at 12 years sober, he found the path to peace just down the road


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