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Planting Seeds in Kenya

December 2022 | Remote Communities & Sober Holidays
Sobriety reignited his love of farming, but a prayer led him on a journey that enhanced his sense of service forever


Magazine Issue February 2022 | Topics Fellowship Getting through Adversity Homegroup/Meetings Personal Stories

I’ll be here

Magazine Issue December 2021 | Topics Emotional Sobriety Getting through Adversity Homegroup/Meetings Relationships Sponsorship

Unity is the Gift

June 2020 | The Annual Prison Issue
A secular AA member shares about his struggles, how service heals and how good it is to tear down borders that divide us

Frequent contact

May 2019 | Our Big Book–80 Wonderful Years
Some favorite passages in the Big Book help a father get through the darkest days of his life

How I tell my story

July 2018
A former prisoner writes about honesty, acceptance and the careful way he shares about his past

Dream trip - canceled

June 2018
When a freak car accident ends their camping trip, it’s AA hospitality that saves the day

Life support

February 2018 | Title Goes Here
When it got tough, she reached out to the rooms and found love and care. It was a Mother’s Day to remember

Keep moving

February 2018 | Title Goes Here
I’ve been sober for 27 years. I recently took early retirement and went on disability. I have difficulty getting to meetings because I have multiple sclerosis (MS). I am in a wheelchair.

Being there

February 2018 | Title Goes Here
In 1962, at the age of 25, I called on God for help and a phone call opened up the doors to AA and a new life. With a good sponsor and lots of meetings, I have enjoyed continuous sobriety ever since.


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