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Years in AA

February 1957

The Supreme Test

February 1957

It Can happen. . .

February 1957

Ask the Man Who Is One

February 1957

The Rewards of Not Fighting Back

February 1957
Peace of mind is no by-product of sobriety, says this letter to a perplexed fellow-AA. . .it takes detailed planning and daily practice.

One Day at the Bakery

February 1957

The Man Who Stayed Around

February 1957

That's a Fact, Man

February 1957

What Is a Drink?

February 1957

Act VII No "Elder Statesmen

February 1957


El proyecto "Lleve El Mensaje" se enfoca en obtener suscripciones de Grapevine y La Viña para alcohólicos necesitados. ¡No es necesario conocer al destinatario! Patrocine una suscripción para alguien tras las rejas, en un centro de tratamiento, hogar de ancianos o que esté confinado en su hogar.


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