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Lucky Turns

October 2015
Just when a sober trucker decides to switch gears, his HP sends him on a most unexpected route

The Unwritten Chapter

September 2015
A member living with bipolar depression discusses her experiences in AA

Lucky Pennies

September 2015
A old-timer recovering from surgery learns it might just be his time to get paid back

Alcoholism At Large

September 2015
Half of all cases of cirrhosis are caused by alcohol.

A Redirected Life

August 2015
Unable to work because of an alcohol-related illness when he came to AA, sobriety enabled him to build a new career

A Teaspoon of Willingness

August 2015
She was nearly dying of cirrhosis before she decided to try to stop drinking

A Long Overdue Amends

April 2015
A member learns to take care of her body so she can pass on the AA message

The Ultimate Share

October 2014
After years of drunken hospital visits, a member finally returns for a much better reason

Whole Lot of Ready

March 2013
Diagnosed with cancer, a member embraces the program as he puts himself in God’s hands

The Greatest Friendship He Ever Had

June 2012
An old-timer taught him the beauty of showing up and sharing love


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