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Life Is A Journey

June 2017
His race to the finish line led him deeper into alcoholism. Getting sober taught him to take it one step at a time.

Dry Drunk

June 2017
He was told when he came into AA that if he didn’t drink and went to meetings, his life would get better. It didn’t happen that way.

The love of my life

June 2017
After yet another broken heart, she finally did a Third Step and found what she was looking for

Table for One

June 2017
How one member found she doesn’t need a man on her arm or a drink in her hand to define her

Serial dater

June 2017
If you wanted to know how to have a three-month relationship, this was your guy

Never saw it coming

June 2017
Once she gave up desperately trying to find love, that’s when it finally appeared

Gone berserk

June 2017
Texting constantly, always checking up on her, multiple visits to her workplace—was this love?

Outside help

June 2017
She met a guy at a meeting and the sparks flew. Ready, set, go. Now there was work to do

Letting go

June 2017
When a defect arises, she tries to release it like a balloon and let it float up to the sky. It feels so much lighter when it’s gone

We can’t do it all

June 2017
Sometimes explaining our Traditions is easy; sometimes it takes a little work


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