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Magazine Issue


A brand new memorial day

May 2022 | 60th Anniversary of the Concepts
Once a holiday of lying, hiding and heavy drinking, it’s now a weekend he cherishes


May 2022 | 60th Anniversary of the Concepts
Caught in a snow storm, a desperate sober mom uses everything AA taught her to get her family to safety


Magazine Issue May 2022 | Topics Family Getting through Adversity Personal Stories

A brand new memorial day

Magazine Issue May 2022 | Topics Family Fun in Sobriety Grapevine History Holidays Personal Stories

The heart has is reason

July 2021 | The Annual Prison Issue
From a secular childhood in Kansas to a sober life of spiritual awareness was not as far as it seemed

A Mom’s Return

July 2021 | The Annual Prison Issue
Through living amends, a grateful sober mother comes full circle with the children she once abandoned for booze

Just in time

July 2021 | The Annual Prison Issue
I felt goose bumps on my skin. I believe my Higher Power spoke to me that morning with that Grapevine magazine. God was telling me, “I’m here, man. I never left. I’ve been here all along.”

The heart has is reason

Magazine Issue July 2021 | Topics Emotional Sobriety Family Homegroup/Meetings Spirituality

A Mom’s Return

Magazine Issue July 2021 | Topics Family Gratitude Personal Stories

Just in time

Magazine Issue July 2021 | Topics On the Cover Family Getting through Adversity Relationships


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