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Magazine Issue



Time to check out

October 2020 | Money and Sobriety
“It’s progress, not perfection.” If you see me “in action” at a grocery store, please, I beg you, don’t tell my sponsor how I acted.

Our Daily Bread

October 2020 | Money and Sobriety
A newly sober nun makes a big decision that straps her financially, while keeping the faith that things will work out

$8 an hour

October 2020 | Money and Sobriety
After liquor destroyed his career, he had to start all over again. With a leap of faith, he took his sponsor’s suggestion

Let’s make a deal

October 2020 | Money and Sobriety
He was just getting sober and back on his feet—and now this? How would he ever pay this huge bill?

Face police

August 2019 | African-American Alcoholics in AA
Although his inner joy may not always show, he’s found the freedom to accept who he is

With lots of help

August 2019 | African-American Alcoholics in AA

To remember without anger

August 2019 | African-American Alcoholics in AA
The program helped him find compassion, love and a new definition of forgiveness

Window of Opportunity

December 2001
This young alcoholic stepped out a second-story window and into AA.

Facing the Music

December 2001

About Alcoholism - Alcoholism Information, Research and Treatment

August 1971
Pilot Program for Nurses and Social Workers


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