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Trains, Dogs & Drums

April 2021 | Fun in Sobriety
A nice marriage, a beautiful new three bedroom house and a good sober life. Why was he so annoyed?

Happy Birthday to Me

April 2021 | Fun in Sobriety
At peace with her computer, her cat and a big piece of cake

Silver Lining

April 2021 | Fun in Sobriety
As COVID-19 completely alters the way we meet, one member looks for ways to embrace the change

Who Gets What

April 2021 | Fun in Sobriety
Miffed that his financial advice wasn’t followed, a member learns to let go.
According to Tradition Four, a group can do as they see fit

To Value You More

April 2021 | Fun in Sobriety
One day in her Step study group, an oldtimer discovers something brand-new about Step Four. Proof that the learning and growing never stops

Going to Any Lengths

February 2005
One AA can do a lot to carry the message to elders

Service Solution

February 2005
One AA's formula for sobriety

Insanity B

February 2005
We know what works. Why don't we always do it?

Walking the Walk

June 1993

Buttons, Oranges, and 16 Cents

June 1993
Step Six: Were entirely ready to have God remove all these defects of character.


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