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Steps, Traditions & Concepts

Magazine Issue


This Beautiful Thing

January 2022 | Beginners
Being present and working the program has given her a joy for life and a deeper sense of purpose

Green Pastures

January 2022 | Beginners
A farm boy shares how he took the seed someone planted and got five decades of a meaningful sober life

Counting Days in my PJs

January 2022 | Beginners
Even in a pandemic, she got sober, connected, traveled the world and made a host of new friends

We are one

January 2022 | Beginners
Once too unique for AA, he now sees how much we’re the same and how much we need each other

I just kept coming back

January 2022 | Beginners
She didn’t understand why they told her to return tomorrow, but it worked. That was just the love she needed

The things They don’t tell you

January 2022 | Beginners
Why was everybody repeating these slogans that didn’t make any sense? “Just hold on”, they said. “You’ll see”

Right in the Middle

January 2022 | Beginners
In Aruba for her granddaughter’s wedding, a newcomer uses every tool she has to surround herself with AA

Jailhouse Meeting

August 1981

Commitment to Others

August 1981

Carrying the Message

June 1970
An arousing from sleep


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