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Rough Days

Magazine Issue March 2022 | Topics On the Cover Emotional Sobriety Getting through Adversity

New & Improved

Magazine Issue March 2022 | Topics On the Cover Emotional Sobriety Gratitude

Letting go

Magazine Issue March 2022 | Topics On the Cover AA Literature Emotional Sobriety Family Homegroup/Meetings Spirituality

Harvesting Kindness

Magazine Issue March 2022 | Topics On the Cover Emotional Sobriety Homegroup/Meetings Relationships

Trying to Be Ungrateful

March 2020 | Puzzled
A member tries a unique plan to find some gratitude that’s as simple as one...two...three

My Monkey Mind

March 2020 | Puzzled
How right action stops his negative thinking and keeps him from swinging from the same old tree

When no one’s watching

March 2020 | Puzzled
Little routine things that cost him nothing and clear his conscience begin when he parks the car

A Better Fit

March 2020 | Puzzled
How 10 aching toes became a powerful lesson about the dangers of being right

The best things in life Aren’t things

March 2020 | Puzzled
There’s nothing here I wish wasn’t. I’m more content in my old house than I would be in a five-star hotel anywhere else in the world.

Staying Alive

March 2020 | Puzzled
After 44 years of sobriety, he’s convinced this serenity business isn’t half bad


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