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Always Changing

April 2022 | What's On Your Mind?
Like waves in the ocean, groups aren’t all the same. The way one flows may not be true for another

Turning Down the Volume

April 2022 | What's On Your Mind?
Not everybody is going to like me or like what I have to offer. What matters is that I like myself enough to continue to take my inventory and be of maximum service.

Another One Bites the Dust

April 2022 | What's On Your Mind?
Another journey through Step Four helped him let go of old resentments—and the first one began with Mom

Discussion topic

April 2022 | What's On Your Mind?
What’s on your mind?

What’s on your mind?

April 2022 | What's On Your Mind?
Members tell us what they think about meetings, fellowship, sobriety and more. What do you think?

Better than I deserve?

April 2022 | What's On Your Mind?
Does maintaining my sobriety and working the Steps “earn” me respect, even happiness? Am I expected to “man up and put up” with whatever circumstances arise?

Time’s up

April 2022 | What's On Your Mind?
Should we limit the length of shares at our meetings?
A longtimer has some thoughts

Eyes Open

April 2022 | What's On Your Mind?
A member shares her thoughts about true helpers and people with hidden motives

Chicken Breasts 99¢!

April 2022 | What's On Your Mind?
Being a “wise acre,” I started making announcements.
I hoped folks would see that non-AA announcements didn’t belong in a meeting.

Making Space

April 2022 | What's On Your Mind?
How helping a member opened his eyes to the needs of others and the world of AA accessibilites


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