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Feeling Free

March 2023 | Get Into Service
A member shares how our Third Step Prayer gives him a sense of peace, acceptance and joy

Discussion Topic

March 2023 | Get Into Service
Getting into service!

Starting my day

March 2023 | Get Into Service
A past delegate recalls how he learned that a good day of service can begin with a well-made bed

I just said yes

March 2023 | Get Into Service
I hit bottom during my kids’ teenage years. Going into juvenile detention centers has been a way of giving back and showing up for teenagers.

Here’s what we do

March 2023 | Get Into Service
He was once drunk and living in his car. Now he’s sober and helps show future health-care professionals what AA is and isn’t

Meetings on Wheels

March 2023 | Get Into Service
They hit the road to help carry the message, and instead of having one meeting they had four!

Give away!

March 2023 | Get Into Service
I started reading a story a day. I began bookmarking highlights and now have them as reference much like I’ve underlined my Big Book over the years.

Confessions of a Spreadsheet-Loving Nerd

March 2023 | Get Into Service
She found the service she loves, and it keeps on giving back

Building bridges

March 2023 | Get Into Service
How getting involved with area committees strengthened her awareness of AA unity and inclusiveness

90 cups of love

March 2023 | Get Into Service
Delmar got him into this coffee-making thing, but Courtney was really the boss


The Carry the Message Project focuses on getting Grapevine and La Vina subscriptions to alcoholics in need. It's not necessary to know the recipient! Sponsor a subscription for someone behind bars, in a treatment facility, nursing home, or who is homebound.

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