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Huge Amounts of Love

May 2023 | Home Group
The gifts of kindness and patience that go into sponsoring come back in ways we can’t imagine

Step Fur

April 2023 | AA & Families
If her inventory had been fur-less, she wouldn’t have had a chilly run-in with the truth

The Guys Who Got Me Here

February 2023 | Making Amends
A member in St. Louis lovingly shares about his many adventures with sponsorship

This beautiful truth

January 2023 | Spiritual Awakenings
A member raised in the Muslim faith shares her eye-opening journey with the Second and Third Steps

Make me a Channel

November 2020 | Our Twelve Traditions
How a sponsor’s suggestion to meditate on a prayer led him on a path to peace, love and a sense of belonging

Dear Grapevine

January 2020 | Spiritual Awakenings

Borrow mine

January 2020 | Spiritual Awakenings
I said “Jim, maybe you could use my Higher Power.” I told him I was sure he wouldn’t mind. Jim thanked me and we never spoke of the God thing again.

Any Lengths

January 2020 | Spiritual Awakenings
When sponsoring, it’s sometimes hard to tell when to quit or when to keep going, so we ask for help

Start with a Prayer

December 2019 | Remote Communities & Sober Holidays
With love and lots of determination, a member tries to carry the AA message to a remote community in New Mexico

Life of the party

May 2018
Terrified, she opened the door to the Sunset room and heard people laughing. She's been celebrating now for 35 years


The Carry the Message Project focuses on getting Grapevine and La Vina subscriptions to alcoholics in need. It's not necessary to know the recipient! Sponsor a subscription for someone behind bars, in a treatment facility, nursing home, or who is homebound.

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