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Magazine Issue


Time to check out

October 2020 | Money and Sobriety
“It’s progress, not perfection.” If you see me “in action” at a grocery store, please, I beg you, don’t tell my sponsor how I acted.

Spot Check On I-94

October 2020 | Money and Sobriety
Trying to hold it together with a car full of rambunctious kids, a sober dad gets more and more lost. Time for Step Ten!

Rambling On

July 2020 | AA Around The World
We looked at each other in dismay and rolled our eyes when Lea started to share. We fidgeted, coughed, sipped coffee, tried to stare her down, all to no avail.

Unity is the Gift

June 2020 | The Annual Prison Issue
A secular AA member shares about his struggles, how service heals and how good it is to tear down borders that divide us

An unexpected call

June 2020 | The Annual Prison Issue
My phone rang at 3 in the morning. The voice on the other end was crying.
It was my father. Seventy-two hours later, I was in my parents’ home.

Hats off to Tradition 5

May 2020 | Getting Into General Service
He finally put down the bottle and got to a meeting. But what was everyone talking about? And what did it have to do with drinking?

A Meeting to Remember

April 2020 | Home Group
One day at her home group, a surprising thing happened that opened her eyes to Step Three

Choosing to Decide

March 2020 | Puzzled
He’s at the turning point. Can he give up the idea that he can run his life the way he always has before

Clearer than ever

January 2020 | Spiritual Awakenings
A private investigator discovers that faith, not sight, would lead him out of the dark

I Cried as Much as He Did

December 2019 | Remote Communities & Sober Holidays
He didn’t like hospitals—not the smells nor the food. But this day, he discov-ered something really special that made him want to come back


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