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Magazine Issue


Talking to Air

September 2024 | Young and Sober
Grief, resentment and liquor soured him with God, but a new perspective on prayer changed his mind

A Gift That Led to A Journey

August 2024 | Dating & Relationships
She made her Higher Power her AA group, but now she was moving away. Luckily a fellow member had an idea that she could hold on to

A Power That Can’t Be Broken

July 2024 | Annual Prison Issue
One day, while on a beautiful Washington island, he looked up and made a request that changed his life

Discussion Topic

June 2024 | Happy Birthday Grapevine!
Coincidence or Higher Power?

The Voice in My Heart

June 2024 | Happy Birthday Grapevine!


June 2024 | Happy Birthday Grapevine!
She believed in God, but wasn’t sure he was listening. Then one drunken day she wandered into a church to talk to him

Welcome Back

June 2024 | Happy Birthday Grapevine!
Drinking before work, having DUIs and blackouts, her job was on the line. Luckily, she had a boss who understood

80 reasons I love Grapevine

June 2024 | Happy Birthday Grapevine!
To celebrate our 70th anniversary, 10 years ago an avowed Grape-nut shared 70 reasons he loved Grapevine. With the new apps, the podcast, Instagram and more, he had an easy time updating it to 80.

Saved in Honduras

June 2024 | Happy Birthday Grapevine!
Far away in the mountains, a sober nursing student finds herself in tequila hell. Grapevine to the rescue!


June 2024 | Happy Birthday Grapevine!
She was trying to stop drinking but wasn’t quite ready.
Then one day someone gave her a Grapevine


The Carry the Message Project focuses on getting Grapevine and La Vina subscriptions to alcoholics in need. It's not necessary to know the recipient! Sponsor a subscription for someone behind bars, in a treatment facility, nursing home, or who is homebound.

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