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Making Space

Magazine Issue April 2022 | Topics On the Cover What's On Your Mind? (opinion)

At Wit’s End

April 2022 | What's On Your Mind?

Staying in my Lane

April 2022 | What's On Your Mind?
If I’m a sober woman of any worth at all, then I’m required by all the gifts God has given me to repair whatever small tear I can in the universe.

Forgive Quickly Laugh Easily

April 2022 | What's On Your Mind?
A mom shares how she found purpose in a place where her heart feels at home

Getting my attention

April 2022 | What's On Your Mind?
The more he sees the presence of a Higher Power in his life, the less he argues in the parking lot

Saying yes

April 2022 | What's On Your Mind?
A sponsee he’ll never forget taught him something he’ll always remember

Tale of 2 deserts

April 2022 | What's On Your Mind?
With danger on both sides of the globe, the thing he could see most clearly was his need and love for AA

Getting back out

April 2022 | What's On Your Mind?
After two years of COVID, a member wonders what the new normal will look like and what challenges lie ahead

A very good April

April 2022 | What's On Your Mind?
It’s now many years later. I will go out and hide the Easter eggs before anyone else gets up. Finding AA and getting sober was a miracle of my life.

Hook on, Chica!

April 2022 | What's On Your Mind?
For her anniversary, she entered a 100-mile bike race. Boy, did the things she learn in AA pay off!


El proyecto "Lleve El Mensaje" se enfoca en obtener suscripciones de Grapevine y La Viña para alcohólicos necesitados. ¡No es necesario conocer al destinatario! Patrocine una suscripción para alguien tras las rejas, en un centro de tratamiento, hogar de ancianos o que esté confinado en su hogar.


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