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Magazine Issue


Planting Seeds in Kenya

December 2022 | Remote Communities & Sober Holidays
Sobriety reignited his love of farming, but a prayer led him on a journey that enhanced his sense of service forever

Closer Than You Think

December 2022 | Remote Communities & Sober Holidays
Due to location, COVID and health issues, her connection to AA by computer and mail is more critical than ever

Planting Seeds in Kenya

Magazine Issue December 2022 | Topics Fellowship Getting through Adversity Gratitude Service/Into Action

Closer Than You Think

Magazine Issue December 2022 | Topics Groups COVID-19 Getting through Adversity

Fresh Air

May 2014
After a head injury, a woman with 24 years finds a different way to attend meetings -- and a whole new set of friends

Tough Nights and Days

May 2014
A bipolar member gets help from an AA meeting filled with people just like herself

Rolling to Acceptance

May 2014
Going to meetings in a wheelchair was really hard until one day she got a great big idea

My Lifeline to the World

May 2014
A deaf member gets help from her canine friends, but it’s AA that saves her sobriety

A Month in the Country

May 2014

At the Candy Cane Ball

May 2014
From the beginning, it was clear that alcohol was going to be a problem


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