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Getting back up

January 2020 | Spiritual Awakenings
I came into AA in Los Angeles in 1965. I’ve been sober ever since. Through the years, action has been the magic that has kept me going.

Any Lengths

January 2020 | Spiritual Awakenings
When sponsoring, it’s sometimes hard to tell when to quit or when to keep going, so we ask for help

More Than Enough

January 2020 | Spiritual Awakenings
Fresh clothes, holding your head up, saying hi to neighbors, a warm cup of’s the little things

A grateful holiday

January 2020 | Spiritual Awakenings
Though not the fancy getaway he was used to, the journey this year was to himself

At Wit’s End

January 2020 | Spiritual Awakenings

The Difference Between Drunk and Sober

January 2020 | Spiritual Awakenings
The difference between active alcoholism and sobriety? Like night and day

The Straw That Broke the Camel’s Back

January 2020 | Spiritual Awakenings
Having to drink her coffee through a straw didn’t mean she was alcoholic. Did it?

Surrender—Literally and Figuratively

January 2020 | Spiritual Awakenings
His choice was clear: A spiritual life or an alcoholic death

A Circus, a Wheelbarrow and a Cat

January 2020 | Spiritual Awakenings
The moving story of a sponsor and his sponsee—and how they both learned to believe

A Special Kind of Peace

January 1988


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