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Goodbye My Friend

February 2024 | Getting Through Tough Times
A member shares his love, fear and sadness as a longtime AA friend says he’s leaving the program

All I had to do was Surrender

February 2024 | Getting Through Tough Times
After years of booze, breakups and drama, she finally decided something had to change

Teach Me To Pray

February 2024 | Getting Through Tough Times

Indeed Miraculous

February 2024 | Getting Through Tough Times
Through AA, he found a new, more powerful relationship with a Higher Power that was with him his whole life

We Cherish Each Day

February 2024 | Getting Through Tough Times
One night at a speaker meeting, he met a woman who shared something for which he’ll be forever grateful

Accepting the Road Ahead

February 2024 | Getting Through Tough Times
A couple reaches for every tool AA has to find grace, peace and closure after a cancer diagnosis

So Worth Living

February 2024 | Getting Through Tough Times
After a car crash dealt her a traumatic brain injury, she kept close to the program, got involved in service and learned to ask for help

Dear Grapevine

February 2024 | Getting Through Tough Times

PO Box 1980

July 1997
What shall we do with the drunken sailor?

PO Box 1980

July 1997
It only takes two


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