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Sober at 14

September 2020 | Living Sober Group
When I was a freshman in high school, my classmates were joining clubs and sports teams. I was stealing money to buy alcohol.

Batten Down the Hatches

September 2020 | Living Sober Group
He used to outdrink all of his buddies. Now he gladly goes to AA meetings wherever he’s deployed

Something much bigger

September 2020 | Living Sober Group
They kept saying she was on a pink cloud. But she knew this thing she found was much better than that

Off to Portland

September 2020 | Living Sober Group
She once thought drinking was the only way to have a happy life. Discovering YPAA events changed all that

AA News

September 2020 | Living Sober Group
A Virtual 70th General Service Conference!

Dear Grapevine 2020

September 2020 | Living Sober Group

New Heights

September 2020 | Living Sober Group
I’ve gone hiking on the Inca Trail to Machu Picchu. I’ve gone white-water rafting. I love going to meetings all over the world, even if I barely speak the language.

Pain and progress

September 2009
A new mother struggles with staying sober

AA celebrates 20 years in Ukraine

September 2009
Participants from 17 countries attend June convention

On the road again

September 2009
Newly sober, a member who travels for business tries to find a meeting in every port of call


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