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FEARis Wheel

October 2022 | Relapse
A fun sober trip to the circus with the kids—what could possibly go wrong? Cue the Serenity Prayer!

Counting Days in my PJs

January 2022 | Beginners
Even in a pandemic, she got sober, connected, traveled the world and made a host of new friends


December 2020 | Remote Communities + Sober Holidays
When the pandemic caused his AA meeting in Japan to go viral, alcoholics from around the world joined in

Meeting Closed!

August 2020 | LGBTQ+
All of a sudden, we were told to remain in our homes with no access to AA meetings. Was this a cruel joke? Why stop me now? I was starting all over again!

One night in London

March 2020 | Puzzled
After 50 years, she’s curious to find the man who kept the doors open so she could find us

The best things in life Aren’t things

March 2020 | Puzzled
There’s nothing here I wish wasn’t. I’m more content in my old house than I would be in a five-star hotel anywhere else in the world.

Just like my brother

August 2019 | African-American Alcoholics in AA

I want my mum back

May 2019 | Our Big Book–80 Wonderful Years
In the depths of her drinking, she could not face the ones she loved most. Now she’s back in their lives

Return to Rwanda

May 2018
With no meetings in his country, he reached out for help. Now he's sharing his hope

Send Me An Angel

April 2018
She was on an extended relapse—and a journey into hell—when an angel showed up at the jail


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