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No Demands or Rules

September 2024 | Young and Sober
A member shares about Tradition Nine and how it helped her see the way AA functions in an easier, softer way

What The Group Says

February 2024 | Getting Through Tough Times

12 Reasons to Stay

September 2023 | Young & Sober
Each Tuesday night he joins his Step companions to read and share and watch each other’s lives change

Come one Come all!

July 2023 | Annual Prison Issue

Brewing a Resentment

July 2023 | Annual Prison Issue
To do his 90 in 90, a newcomer starts a meeting at a church. But why wasn’t the priest providing more coffee?

Truly belonging

June 2023 | Twelve Steps and Twelve Traditions
From her earliest days, the“Twelve and Twelve” helped her feel part of. Who knew even more joy would come?

Either way, It works

April 2023 | AA & Families
At his old home group they used to go all out with celebrations. At his new group they don’t even have a cake!

Time To Shake Some Hands

December 2019 | Remote Communities & Sober Holidays
One member says that when the treatment vans pull up, we have some work to do

Note the time

January 2018 | Sponsorship
A member encounters a tricky situation while doing prison service.

I’m getting thirsty!

October 2016
Why one member needs to hear about someone’s desperate need for booze


The Carry the Message Project focuses on getting Grapevine and La Vina subscriptions to alcoholics in need. It's not necessary to know the recipient! Sponsor a subscription for someone behind bars, in a treatment facility, nursing home, or who is homebound.

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